Sunday, November 24, 2019

Blog #6 The Ancient undefeated boxer who never threw a single punch

Blog  #6 The Ancient undefeated boxer who never threw a single punch

Boxing is a sport that practices the art of fighting with Fists oh, any modern boxing they use padded gloves in a rope Square ring and fight using rules established in the beginning. However, in the origins of Boxing ancient Greece, boxing was a lot more dangerous. The ancient Greeks former boxing in which two men sat face-to-face and beat on each other with their fists until one of them was knocked out or killed. In ancient Greek boxing, there was no such thing as divisions or weight class, so boxing in ancient Greece was dominated by the biggest guy. Fights in boxing we're usually the hands were wrapped up in cloth to keep the bones from breaking otherwise they just fought naked. A lot of the matches in ancient boxing would just be two boxers standing still and just taking turns punching each other until one falls down pretty brutal. Until one boxer under the name of Melankomas came onto the scene oh, he had a very different type of fighting style which primarily revolved around defense and Agility. He would hold his guard, slipped through punches, and roll around the ring to the opponent gives up. His stamina was the stuff of Legends the boxer could repeatedly stand with his hand up for the entire day without moving an inch and he was so fast that most important would look at their swing at clouds instead of him. In all those matches he would never take a single hit or every deal a single hit to his opponent. This man was the stuff of Legends as he went through his entire boxing career without taking a punch or ever swing a punch. All his opponents would just admit defeat after hours and hours of swinging at nothing and tumbling over at the turn around him but end up missing him entirely. Many people might think why would they even bother to challenge him if they know they may never hit him, however, most boxers put a thought in their head that maybe that they will be the guy who hit him and then they become the stuff of Legend. Overall this was just an interesting story I found and I thought to share it.

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